R.I.P. Camu Tao

Just found out that Camu Tao has just died of cancer. That’s horrible
news. Part of the original Def Jux crew, MC and producer Tao was part
of the movement that changed my direction in hip hop. Those familiar
with him will be familiar with his work as one part of  S.A. Smash,
his MHz crew with Copywrite, RJD2, Motamouth, and Cage.
Of course not forgetting the legendary hip hop Weathermen supergroup,
that is Camu Tao, Aesop Rock, Tame One, Cage, Yak Ballz, El-P and
Breeze Brewin. Tao was dope. His influences and interests constantly
shifted between hip hop to punk which kept it interesting for me.

It’s too often I see great work being recognized only after the death
of a great artist. It’s a damn shame, but if it means his music now
gets heard by those who haven’t already, then who am I to bitch about
the outcome.

R.I.P brother

Words by An Pham 


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